What are the main difficulties in registering agrochemicals?
The registration of pesticides can present several difficulties that vary according to the country and the specific legislation in force.
In this blog we will address the main difficulties in registering pesticides, read on for more information.
What you will see in this Blog:
Agrochemical are chemical products used in agriculture to protect crops from pests, diseases, and weeds.
Pesticides are used in agriculture for various reasons, such as pest and disease control, increasing agricultural productivity, safeguarding food security, among others.
It is important to emphasize that the use of pesticides must be done responsibly and in accordance with the guidelines established by regulatory bodies, in order to minimize negative impacts on human health and the environment.
The registration of agrochemicals, specifically pesticides, is necessary for several reasons. Here are some of them:
1- Protection of human health: Agrochemical registration aims to ensure that chemicals used in agriculture are safe for human beings.
2- Environmental protection: Agrochemical registration also aims to protect the environment, including fauna, flora, and water resources.
3- Quality control: Agrochemical registration involves evaluating the quality and effectiveness of these products.
4- Safe and proper use: Agrochemical registration includes the analysis of label information and package inserts, as well as instructions for safe use.
In Brazil, the registration of agrochemicals is mandatory for all companies that wish to manufacture, import, export, trade, or use agrochemical products. The registration of agrochemicals is regulated by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply (MAPA), and the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA).
These agencies are responsible for evaluating the safety and efficacy of agrochemicals, considering toxicological, environmental, and agronomic aspects. The registration process involves the analysis of scientific studies and tests to ensure that the product does not pose significant risks to human health, the environment, and agricultural production.
The requirement for agrochemical registration aims to protect the health of rural workers, consumers, and the environment, while ensuring that the products used in agriculture are effective in controlling pests, diseases, and weeds.
Registering agrochemicals is a complex and rigorous process that involves several stages and specific requirements. Although there are differences from one country to another, it is possible to highlight some of the main challenges faced by producers and companies in seeking approval for agrochemicals. Here are some of them:
Regulatory authorities responsible for agrochemical regulation often establish strict technical and scientific requirements for the approval of new products.
The process of registering agrochemicals can be time-consuming and expensive. The required studies and trials may take years to complete, and the associated costs can be high, especially for smaller companies.
Concerns about the environmental impact of agrochemicals are growing. Regulatory bodies demand rigorous studies to assess the effects of these products on wildlife, flora, water quality, and ecosystem balance. Demonstrating that an agrochemical is effective and safe for the environment can be a significant obstacle.
We can assist you throughout the agrochemical registration process, as we have a specialized team in agrochemical registration!
Stone Okamont is also on YouTube with various videos related to ANVISA, MAPA, and IBAMA. Click here to access the content.
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