Air conditioning bactericides are currently being successful. All this because the product promises to keep your equipment clean of bacteria. The accumulated dust that remains in the air conditioner can cause headaches, allergies and dryness of the skin because of the accumulation of bacteria.
This product enters the category of sanitisers by Anvisa. As a sanitist is considered a product of Risco II and it’s registration with evidence of bactericidal action is mandatory.
Cleaning and maintaining air conditioners are a very important act within homes. But to maintain the safety of the environment the bactericidal needs the product registration before marketing.
If you need to register a sanitising product with Anvisa request your quote at the link below and talk to one of our consultants.
The term Sanitizing was defined by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) as those intended for hygiene, disinfection or disinfestation at home, in collective and/or public environments and in places of common use.
Before starting the process of registering sanitizing in ANVISA, your company needs to be regularized with the competent body.
The first step for your company to be authorized to manufacture, distribute, store, transport and/or market products is to obtain the Local Operating License, the document indicating that the company is regularized for such functions. Its issuance is made by VISA (Local Sanitary Surveillance), after rigorous structural and documentary analysis and evaluation.
The approval of the license means that the company has technical and operational conditions for the manufacture and storage of the sanitist.
Obtaining the Company Operation Authorization (AFE) is absolutely necessary for the registration of sanitante in ANVISA. AFE is important because it proves that your company is regularized in ANVISA and operates in accordance with Brazilian legislation.
And to obtain it, the request is made through an electronic petition, and later it’s necessary to send supporting documents. Stone Okamont is available to clarify your questions, request the quote below and talk to our consultants.
For the registration of sanitizing in ANVISA, it’s necessary to perform an analysis of it’s composition and classify the product according to its constitution.
The sanitors are divided into two categories, which are Risk Grade I and Risk Grade II. In the risk assessment and management are considered:
The Degree of Risk influences the Registry of Sanitizing. Sand the sanitize fall into category I, only one notification of the product ll’be required. For category II sanitizers, marketing is only permitted after the registration published in the Official Gazette (DOU) has been granted.
For the registration of sanitizing in ANVISA, it’ll be necessary to present some documents, that’ll be analyzed to know the components of the product, as there are components that aren’t allowed.
The process can be complicated for many, full of indispensable steps and a lot of bureaucracy. Therefore, Stone Okamont offers advice and advice throughout the regulatory process, using the zero-bureaucracy method and reducing the costs involved.