What you need to know about the labeling of products of animal origin - Normative Instruction nº22.

What you need to know about the labeling of products of animal origin - Normative Instruction nº22.

Are you having difficulty developing the correct labeling for your product of animal origin or even knowing what information should or should not contain according to the normative act? Continue reading and if you have any questions, please contact us using the form.


Topics of this content:

  • When is IN 22 applied for labeling?
  • What should the label not show?
  • In which language to write the label of the product of animal origin?
  • What mandatory information must appear on your product's label?
  • Clear your doubts.

The labeling of products of animal origin is directly linked to the inspection area. The correct elaboration and interpretation of labels are vital, both for the professional and for the consumer, who must be aware of information that may lead to error, deceit or confusion.

When is the Normative Instruction for labeling applied?

All products of animal origin must follow this technical regulation, in the case of international or interstate trade, regardless of origin, packaged in the absence of the customer and ready for sale to the consumer.

Making it clear that products of animal origin have specific characteristics, requiring their own regulation, with technical regulation operating in a complementary way.

What should the label not show?

It is important to pay attention to what is described on the packaging of your product, in case your advertisement presents false information that leads the consumer to have a different understanding of the product purchased.

We separate some important points not to present in the labeling of your product:

  • Attributing properties that you cannot demonstrate;
  • Emphasize qualities that may mislead the consumer;
  • Indicate that the product of animal origin has medicinal and therapeutic properties.

What language to write the label of the product of animal origin?

Mandatory information must be accurately written in all its details in the official language of the country of consumption, with adequate size, emphasis and visibility, without losing the existence of texts in other languages.

What mandatory information should your product labeling contain?

If the current Technical Regulation or a specific Technical Regulation does not specify otherwise, the labeling of packaged animal products must contain the following information:

Sales name of the product of animal origin: it must be indicated on the label in a prominent way and in proportional size;

  • List of ingredients: The ingredients listed on the label must be described in ascending order of quantity;
  • Official stamp of the Federal Inspection;
  • Expiry date, among other topics present in the Normative Instruction.

All obligations must be clear and precise so that your product can comply with current regulations.

If you are finding it difficult to strictly follow all Normative Instructions on product labeling in MAPA, our team has the expertise to develop and even revise your labeling process.

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The product regularization process is very complicated and bureaucratic, so Stone Okamont has specialists in regulatory matters to advise you at all stages, ensuring that each process is carried out quickly and at a lower cost. See the advantages of using our Zero Bureaucracy method!

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